Kamis, 09 Mei 2013


OTOMOTIF  became one of the famous this globalitation .  many people or big club often went to otomotif place to see wonderfull car . Here there are followers from the big otomotif company like  mercedez benz, BMW, vollkswagen , toyota dan etc. Existing palces and facilities there are also quite complete. Every morning and evening the otomotif center was crowded used by local and interlocal people.
so if i have big budget , i made i planning to develop otomotif center business. There are several factors that attracted me to develop this business, namely:
1. The limited existing otomotif center
2. business opportunities
3. The availability of land in favor of
In addition to these factors, I also want to improve and manage otmototif center facilities back preexisting place I stay longer in order to function properly.

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